You may qualify for a toll or "pause" of your interlock requirement if you were involved in a traffic crash or your vehicle requires unforeseen repairs or becomes inoperable due to some uncontrollable circumstance through no fault of your own. If one of these circumstances applies to you, then you can request a tolling period through your interlock manufacturer.
There are some important things to know:
- Your incident must have occurred on or after January 1, 2019.
- You should only request a toll if the incident that renders your vehicle inoperable may cause you to miss a monthly service appointment.
- Your toll period will begin on the date of the incident that led to the vehicle is inoperable.
- If approved, the toll DOES NOT relieve you from the requirement to only operate a vehicle with an ignition interlock.
- You will have to make up all of your toll time at the end of your requirement.
- You are still responsible for any interlock lease payments during your toll period.
Requesting a Toll Period
To request a toll, you must go through your ignition interlock manufacturer. They will provide state form 1596 (or you can download it using the link at the end of this article) for you to review, sign, and return to them along with supporting documents for your request.
Supporting documents may include:
- A crash report (if the vehicle was in an accident and a law enforcement agency issued a crash report, the crash report must be submitted);
- A written statement from the insurance company regarding repairs;
- A written statement from a repair shop showing the damage being repaired and the estimated time of completion for repairs; or
- Other documentation acceptable to the department.
Tolls are granted in 30-day increments not to exceed 90 days. Extensions must be requested before the current toll period has expired. Requests for extension and proof of the need for an extension should be submitted directly to the Ignition Interlock Program via email to The Ignition Interlock Program will notify you and your interlock manufacturer in writing or by electronic transmission if any additional toll period has been granted or denied. Persons who have been denied a toll may request a review within 10 days of denial.
At the end of the 30-day toll, if no extension has been requested or granted, the 365-day requirement will resume.
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